January 11, 2024

A Fresh Start: Your Monthly Dose of Inspiration 🌟

Welcome Homeschool Tribe! It’s a brand new year and we are excited for everything the Lord has in store for our homeschool and our families this year. And we’re so thankful that you are joining us on our journey!

We’re going to launch our new year and our new month with a quote to give us some perspective for our homeschools this January.

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”

– Rainer Maria Rilke

I always love the start of a new year. Not necessarily because I enjoy goal setting and making resolutions, but mostly because after a month of celebrating and baking and preparing for the holidays, I enjoy getting back into a routine.

As a family, we try to spend the time between Christmas and New Year doing what we call a Family Vision Cast. It’s a time for us to remember the past year and all the beautiful memories we made and then look ahead to the new year and plan the new memories we want to make.

This is also the time I begin to evaluate our homeschool year. I look at the previous semester and the progress that we’ve made and evaluate whether or not any changes need to made for the next semester.

We always start our January school days very slowly, similar to how we begin our school year. Our goal for the first couple of weeks is to complete our Morning Basket (which includes Bible, memory work, music and art appreciation, read alouds, and our history and science loop), to do gentle math, reading and writing, and to have the TV on less. (Screen time goes crazy over breaks, am I right?)

Another thing I look forward to with our homeschooling, is seeing the individual challenges that each our children has met head on this last semester and will continue to conquer in the new year. I love cheering my children on as they win their own personal battles with their intellectual development.

What new things are you looking forward to this year? Send me an email. I’d love to hear about it.

Reach out to us at support@homeschooltribe.com. Or connect with me on Instagram. Homeschool Tribe is here to be a resource for you!!

Happy Homeschooling!